We have been accepted to Pharmacy school in Vallejo California. The school is about 45 mins. directly east of San Fransico and about 5 mins. from Robyn's Uncle and Aunt. The school itself sits on Mare Island that used to be an old U.S. Navy base which the school has been renovated from some of the buildings there. The island is really neat it has many old buildings and a few naval ships still sitting in the water. There are a lot of old houses that have been renovated and bought by the medical students. As you drive down the island there are bomb shelters everywhere but they have been covered by grass and trees so they can't be viewed from the air. The pharmacy program at Touro is different from other pharmacy schools because the first two years are didatics and the last two years are clinical rotations which we can go anywhere in the nation to do. So we will most likely come back here to Utah to do the rotations. So we'll only be gone two years. Plus it is a Jewish sponsored school so they have a lot of holidays so we be able to visit Utah.
After many prayers and much fasting it has payed off. I know at times my faith wavered but I am grateful for all my friends and family and their unwavering faith, especially my wife and little girl. I wasn't sure if we would get in this year after only having one interview and the school accepts only 7% out of state students and over 70% of the class is female. So with those odds I know the Lord had helped me and walked me through the interview, because I know without a doubt I wasn't by myself. I am grateful for what I know in my life and the role the Savior plays in it, I wish at times I could say "I did this by myself". . . . . but there is no way I can!!!
I wanted to thank everyone for all your prayers and fasting to help me get in. We are very excited and looking forward to this new adventure in our lives and we know this wouldn't have happened without the faith of all of you!! We have been blessed in many ways.