Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So I've been the biggest slacker blogging lately...too much going on I guess. Kass and I are fighting our yucky colds and trying to make it through just one more week of school. I've been thinking a lot lately, trying to decide what to do with my life now that I'm finished with school. Do I job hunt? Do I substitute, stay home with Kassidy, work at the daycare??? Too many hard decisions and not enough information about our future to decide. It sucks not knowing what's coming next, but I guess that's what makes life exciting, eh? Pretty much I think I've worn out the Lord with all my pleas and begs for guidance (and health). I'm grateful he listens to me and doesn't tell me to stop whining. Only three days left of school and I'm hanging on for dear life, trying to stay motivated and not get too sad about leaving my favorite kids in the world. It's amazing how much those little buggers can affect you, I love them all so much! Here's a picture of my cute nephew at our wedding. THis was at the Salt Lake Temple in the mirro pond and is one of the coolest pictures ever! My photographer bro-in-law took it...he's amazing! This is pretty much how I feel this week, wet elbows and all!


Ryan & Amanda said...

It is so hard knowing what to do when you can't see the future! I guess it is good that we can't see the future at times. I can totally relate to you on how those kids impact you, I miss teaching so bad some days, but I know I couldn't leave Alli. Still though, I loved it. Hope you get feeling better soon!!

Jenny Kay said...

I know exactly how you feel..

Cammee said...

You are wise and you will make the right decision for your family. And guess what, if that ends up not working out you just choose a different route. You are relying on the Lord and you can't go wrong there! Hope you are feeling better and congrats on being done with school! Maybe we'll get to see you over the hoidays?

Phil and Kelly said...

Congrates on getting done. I am so excited for you. I hope your better now from your cold. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.