Thursday, May 14, 2009

Days three and four

So this is not going as I would have hoped! After night two I thought, "This isn't so rough, we can do it!" Now I know why people let their kids have binkies until they're 3 years old. Kassidy tried the stall tactic last night with constant pleading to watch movies and wanting drinks and whatnot. We gave in more than we should have because it was the LOST season finale and we couldn't miss that :) We paid for it dearly though when Kass woke up at 3 am screaming for us and nothing we could do would calm her down. I spent an hour rocking her and then Kevin ended up sleeping on the couch with her the rest of the night. Needless to say we were both pretty grumpy today. Right now it's 9:15 pm and the bedtime routine has been going on since 8:00pm. We've read stories and rocked and brushed teeth and she still screamed for a solid 30 minutes before we both felt extremely rotten. We sang hymns to her which seemed to calm her down, that is until I tried singing one that the notes were way to low and my scratchy voice made Kevin burst into a fit of giggles. Good one Kev, you woke her up again. So Kevin's still trying to calm our little monster! HELP! I don't think we're going to make it through the next week if our child doesn't learn to soothe herself. The good news is that Kassidy has stopped asking for the binkies. (Sorry this is so long, but I'm still looking for good advice to help my monster go to sleep).


Amber said...

Yuck, doesn't sound fun. Sorry I don't have any great advice, but YOU CAN DO IT!!! I think it's a great goal, and she'll get the hang of not having the binky before too long. KEEP IT UP!

Cammee said...

I am the absolute worst at taking away binkies! Halley and Gage were both 2 1/2 before they were binky free.The only way I know to do it is to never give it to them in the first place! Otherwise I think you just have to suffer through it. Sorry!

Megan said...

Hang in there! Don't give in! It will make it just as hard the next time around. It will get better! I had it easy with Ella because she lost it and I told her I couldn't find it and we never mentioned it again. We got her to be attached to a baby doll and a blankie that she only got at bed time. That helped the transition! Good luck! Don't give in!

Bryan and Christy Clark said...

nice...i was going to start taking ethans away next week but i dont want to anymore! crap. i cherish my sleep.

Kristin said...

Well, you know me, I'm awesome at taking binkies away from my kids. Just look at Parker. :) Every once in a while he still takes Berkley's binky. So, I don't have any amazing advice. I think if you can just get through the screaming then it really does get better!