Monday, November 15, 2010

He's an eater

I am tired. This is to be expected since I have a 4 month old. But seriously, kid, why do you have to wake up every 2-3 hours! Korbin was a great sleeper last month. We were getting 6-7 hour stretches. It was bliss. So what happened?! I know, he's still young and trying to get into a routine. Maybe he's having a growth spurt. Who knows. But I am tired.

My solution was to try and fill up his little tummy to capacity so hopefully he'll sleep a little longer. I need this for my sanity and so I can be a good mommy the next morning.
The plan didn't really work. He still wakes up about every 3-4 hours now. But man, isn't he cute eating his rice cereal? On to plan B...a live in wet nurse.


Misty Call said...

Ok Robyn, I'm no expert and every baby is so different. But your situation sounds similar to what happened when Addy was four months. She was sleeping through the night when one night she woke up a few times and it kept happening night after night, waking up anywhere from 3-6 times each night. Well after over a month of this, I was SO tired physically and emotionally. Because she was able to go such long stretches of sleep before, I knew she didn't need those night feedings. So one day, I just said no more and let her cry it out. After one night she was cured and I got a full nights sleep every night after. It was AMAZING! So who knows, maybe Corbin is having a growth spurt. So I guess see how it's going after a few more days. It may just be that he wants some attention at 3 AM and knows Mommy loves him and will come if he cries. Anyways, this is So long, sorry, but maybe it will help:). Good luck!!!

Melanie said...

Kamdon did the same thing around 5 months. He was sleeping great and then one night he woke up and wanted to eat, so I fed him. Bad Idea because the waking up just increased. The only thing that worked for us was that Kent got up with him in the night. He knew Dad wasn't going to feed him so he went back to sleep. Goodluck Rob. Sleep deprivation is the worst. I can't imagine chasing around 2 kids.

Tina said...

Sounds like my house! I try to fill Ian up with baby food before bed thinking it will help too but he still wakes up to eat a couple times. He's seven months though! I'm trying to make myself let him cry it out but it's so hard! Let me know if you find a secret to get him sleeping through the night! Good luck! He sure is cute though:)

GrOnDeLs said...

I will have to agree with the first two post. McKay did the same thing around 5 months he started waking up every night. I did your plan for a while but then decided to let him cry it out and it worked cause he started sleeping through the night again. Good luck and remember mother knows best!

The Marchant Family: said...

Thanks for all the advice ladies! My only issue with letting him cry it out is that he shares a room with his big sister and we live in an apartment. I don't want him to wake everyone up! But after a few more nights of this, I'll be willing to try anything!

Jeremy 'n Brandy said...

I have to agree with everyone else. I went the through the same thing. I hated letting all my kids cry it out but I just couldn't take it anymore. On the other hand I know what it is like living in an apartment. One thing I did was download an mp3 of white noise from Amazon. This drowns out some of the crying. My other kids never wake up when Iylah is screaming and believe me the walls are paper thin. Good luck! I am actually still dealing with a crying baby in the middle of the night. I let her cry it out at about 5 months and it worked but then something happened (i think she got sick) and then started waking up again. Sometimes every hour. So I had to let her cry it out again. We still have hit and miss nights and she is almost 1!!! UGH