Monday, August 30, 2010

Bedroom updates

With all the baby changes going on I forgot to post about the changes we made to Kassidy's bedroom. We upgraded her to a big girl bed, and after much deliberation (I was so indecisive) we found a bunk bed with liked. Kassidy transitioned over very well and is loving her new bed. Her very creative daddy had the idea to make her bunk into a secret princess getaway and made her (with the help of my talented seamstress mother ) a pink curtain that encloses her bunk. It was so creative and fun and Kassidy loves it! I attempted to make a VERY pink room into a mixed boy and girl room for when we move Korbin out of our room and into his big crib. Of course we went with sports, how could you not with a dad like Kevin? Kevin found the cool picture of Babe Ruth hanging on the wall and it just seems to add to the room. We loved how it turned out, even if it is a big of a crowded room.

(Read on, there's another post below)

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