While we were in Utah my sweet little Korbin turned one year old! It's crazy to think that a year has gone by already, but I also feel like he's always been in our family and I can't imagine our lives with this sweet little boy. We were blessed to have our family come and celebrate with us on his special day. We held a little dinner at my mom's house and let Korbin open presents. Well, Kassidy actually did most of the present opening, but that's to be expected! Korbin didn't really know what was going on, but he was cute and excited through it all.
Kevin made Korbin an awesome baseball cake and I made cupcakes for everyone. We had a great time and were so happy to have this occasion with some of the people we love most in this world! Happy birthday sweet Korbin Moroni! You mean the world to us and we are very proud to call you our son :)
Birthday boy

Korby and Grandma Marchant

Korby and Great-grandma Hicken

Big sis was a great helper through the present process.

Of COURSE he got a baseball toy. Did you worry?

He really wasn't too excited about the cake and didn't dig in like we expected. Although it was WAY past nap time, so he poked at it once, cried, and I put him down to sleep. Oh well, there's next year's cake! Kassidy loved having all the attention be on her brother. She sure loves this little guy :)

Happy birthday Korbin!